•   1787 Route 640, Fredericton, NB, Canada, New Brunswick


  • Have you thought about taking a yoga class only to bow out at the last minute due to uncertainty in yourself or your personal practice?
  • Do you spend your days tied to a desk with limited opportunity for movement leaving you feeling exhausted, stiff in the neck, shoulders, back or suffer from headaches and general malaise?
  • Are you interested in developing your own personal practice but have no idea where to start?
  • Are you looking for a specifically tailored daily practice dedicated to your needs and for someone to help you navigate through the uncertainty and alignment questions?
  • Are you plagued by fatigue, muscle tension and/or a racing mind that never seems to quit?
  • Are you an athlete who suffers from tightness before, after or during your work out and wanting to find ways to lengthen the muscles you so lovingly build for your health?
  • Are you looking to deepen your daily practice but struggle in large groups?
  • Do you want to start a daily practice that becomes part of your daily life and includes the rest of your family?
  • Are you scared or nervous to attend large classes due to perceived inability or lack of knowledge?
  • Do you suffer from chronic pain and are you looking for a way to not only manage it but learn to live with it or maybe even heal it?
  • Do you suffer from depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD or any other mental or emotional ailment that is causing disdain in your everyday living experience?
  • Are you wanting a deeper understanding of what yoga truly is and what it can do for you specifically?
  • Would you like to be able to attend large classes but need a gentle reminder and boost in confidence to be able to move into a place of self-acceptance?
  • Are you looking for something to deepen your relationship with your children or your spouse? Maybe looking for something fun to do as a girls (or guys) night out that doesn’t involve the customary dinner and drinks but is more quiet and intimate?

If you answered “Yes!” to even one of these questions, it’s time to reach out to me! Each human here on Earth can benefit from a daily Yoga practice.

Some are looking only for the physical aspect, others are wanting to deepen their connection with their spiritual side, while still others want a combination of both. Yoga is just that… Practice… Personal practice… Each person wants or needs something different and I would love to help you figure out what it is you are looking for. Whether that be physical fitness, lengthening and stretching, quieting the ever racing mind or a combination of all of this and more!

After much internal dialogue I have decided to start running very small semi private classes as well as one on one training specific to the person. I know for me when I first started practicing the only option was to either do it at home alone (leaving me filled with doubt that I was doing it right, wading through all the videos and trying to figure out what type I was looking for) or in a large class (leaving me feeling anxious, vulnerable and downright uncertain of my ability). The cost for a one on one instructor at that time was far too steep for a single mother of two and getting my anxious, inexperienced butt to a large class seemed (at the time) to not be an option. I instead decided to take my own Yoga Teachers Training.

I was fully certified as a 200hr RYT on March 1, 2018.

I am registered with the Canadian Yoga Alliance and am working my way toward my 300hr Yoga Therapy (I need only get out of my own way!).

Trained in anatomy and physiology (Medic), am also a Reiki Master (well versed in energy healing), and a woman who has pushed past her own barriers (always a work in progress) in order to be able to help others see their full and true potential. I have a deep willingness and need to build community, feed the soul, and teach others how to step fully into their authentic selves.

I offer semi-private classes (max 3-4) and also offer one on one training in case even that many in a class dissuades you from attending. Likewise I am a single parent – so can fully appreciate time and financial constraints. As such, my classes are affordable and accessible to all who are looking to open themselves to daily practice.

Yoga really is a tool for all to enjoy!

Who knows, your life might even get better than it already is!

Shifting Light Studio Offers many types of Yoga sessions

To find out about classes, workshops and private sessions click here