Studio & Practitioners

Fredericton, NB.

About Us

Canadace Raynes

I’m Candace! I am the owner and founder of Shifting Light Studio. I am a mother to 2 incredible children and the oldest sibling of 3.

I am a ret. Med Tech turned Holistic healer. I am also a Yoga teacher, retreat facilitator, energy worker and Naturopath. I have a deep passion to serve the community and help others feel whole within themselves.

I also use an energy aspect that really started this journey for me personally. Taking my initial Reiki training is what truly sent me down this path of embracing holistic healing methods outside of the typical medication route! 

I have a solid background in medicine beginning with my time in a Dr’s office as an unlicensed practical nurse then with the CAF as a medical technician. Since then I’ve deepened my understanding of Anatomy and Physiology through my Yoga Teachers Certification and Holistic Manual Body Certification that taught a combination of Thai massage (stretching) and shiatsu massage (gentle hands on massage/meridian clearing) which helped create the practioner I am today.

Taking my Yoga Teachers training is when I was able to recognize the effects of our thoughts on our bodies and the sensations within our bodies on our thoughts. 

We, as a society, are locked in Fight or Flight. Sometimes as young as birth! 

We have become so busy, that we have learned to disregard our physical needs and this is creating disease in the body. When our nervous system is “stuck” in our fear response the rest of our body and many important functions can no longer do their job. All of the training I have accumulated over these last 5 or so years has really been centered on creating a safe place within your own body to start to heal all that ailes you.

Whether you suffer from mental health concerns such as: anxiety or depression, physical ailments like: tension or pain, sleep issues, fatigue, have experienced trauma or are just plain overwhelmed from these last 3 years of trying to survive; then a treatment just might be the answer to helping you start to feel better again, get back to YOU and begin your healing process!

Mellissa Savoie DNM, RMT

In 2007, I graduated from UNB and started my career as a rehabilitation nurse at the Stan Cassidy Center. Over the next 11 years, I helped people through their most difficult and vulnerable times in life. I walked with many people through their darkest hours, and watched with pride and awe as they worked so hard to become as independent as they possibly could. I’ve witnessed many a miracle within those walls. 

In 2016 I was introduced to the Japanese energy healing technique, Reiki. My thirst for knowledge was renewed as I began to read and learn about “life force energy”, and how our emotions and the trauma we experience can stay with us, manifesting in our body as discomfort, and eventually, disease. I practised the first two levels of Reiki, and in 2017 I obtained the third level of Master Healer. I learned that we can heal if we take the time to observe ourselves and work through our triggers and emotions; mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

I witnessed massage therapy students coming in to work on patients, and saw their entire attitude change after just one massage. I knew that if I could combine what I knew about illness and disease with my knowledge about energy work, and then add in soft-tissue manipulation with Massage Therapy, I could truly help people on their path to healing. In 2018 I took a chance, retired from nursing and began my intensive two-year training for massage therapy at Eastern College. My extensive education brought me to earning my Doctorate of Natural Medicine through EBNMP, and shortly thereafter earning my RMT status after graduating from Eastern College and passing the CMTNB board exams in 2021. Today, I am honoured to have the privilege of being an integrated healer, and I look forward to helping you on your healing journey. Visit Mellissa’s site at for more info or book her services here.

Karen Dow

I’ve been practicing yoga for 10+ years when I decided to take my practice a step further. I completed my 200 hour YTT in August 2022 and very recently completed my teacher training in restorative yoga.
My passion is to share the benefits of yoga and help others thrive by nurturing their body, mind and soul through yoga with the hope that they leave the mat feeling stronger, refreshed, and balanced.

Rachel Jenkins

Life presents us all the gifts and learning opportunities we need. They often present in an unexpected form, or manner taking us down the journey we were meant to experience. I believe that our bodies were created to heal themselves.
after experiencing knee pain and inflammation at a young age and being told by doctors, there’s nothing that they can really do I was able to make that the catalyst that reset, my self and lead me to a life of learning research, and ultimately working with people in the field of natural holistic medicine. After diving into acupuncture and fixing my knee and was ultimately a lower back problem that I was able resolve, I had found a way to help others. Since then I have been led to connections being made with many knowledgeable people, vastly experience practitioners in the fields of homeopathy, reflexology, metaphysics, cranial osteopathy and more. I decided one morning in January 1998 to begin my training in Morrell Reflexology. My passion for healing, is helping transform the lives of others over the following 25 years. Since then, I’ve also trained in Bach Flower Therapy, Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Hopi Ear Candling, Life Coaching, Meditation and Mindfulness. Morello Reflexology and Bach Flower Therapy remain my favorite therapy to provide as I have witnessed miraculous results over the years. My work has led me to be amazing opportunity to work with Patch Adams at the Gesundheit Institute, WV. This incredible experience, coupled with the desire to help much greater numbers of people, plus the understanding that dis-ease initially begins to manifest at an emotional level, gave me the inspiration to create the Positive Change Workshops. Positive change workshops teach techniques that help to increase awareness and improve the areas at the very core of our being that tend to hold us back. This allows us to move through life with a positive mindset, having unshakable faith and trust in ourselves, that we can get through whatever comes our way.

Rennetta Smith

Some of my earliest memories include my grandmother, teaching me how to read hearts with a normal deck of playing cards while I was in elementary school. I started seriously giving Tarot card readings in university in the 80s and never stopped. With an education in religious studies, I have always been called to learn and practice the old ways. I have always been surrounded by energy work, even when I didn’t know what it was called. From my mom lighting candles for every prayerful situation to my grandmother hummimng every time she was in the kitchen, I felt most at home and every situation where energy was raised with loving intentions. I started sharing magick (the ritualization of one’s spiritual intentions) classes at the request of Candace a little more than a year ago. I love sharing my rituals and energy with people who are seeking their own magick. I look forward to sharing a reading or class with you soon.